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Long Ranger
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- “The antithesis of the Sneekers, Long Rangers are a class renowned for their long-distance effectiveness in the field of battle. Combined with Infravision, a means of scanning the whole battlefield for enemy positions, this makes them a serious menace at any distance---at least until you can get up really close and blow their heads off. ”
- —From the game manual
- “Long-Rangers take up positions where they can see the enemy and snipe them from a distance. With their infravision, they can effectively see through walls. Long Rangers are deadly at short range as well, courtesy of their aptly-named Widowmakers.”
- —Community Conker site

Long Rangers are a class in the Xbox Live & Co. mode of Conker: Live & Reloaded. They are characters who carry a Widowmaker sniper rifle that has two zoom modes and can fire either 7.62mm (anti-infantry) or high-velocity DU tipped (depleted uranium) (anti-armor) rounds. The bullets inflict limited damage with body hits, so only headshots are a guaranteed kill. The widowmaker also has a combination laser sight/overcharge which increases damage and accuracy, but the very visible laser beam reveals the player's position. Long Rangers carry magnova and flash-bang grenades, a medigun, and have the “infravision” ability. When upgraded, they receive the self-heal ability, an extra zoom for their widowmaker, a frag grenade, and a pair of "Krotch" 45 pistols (revolvers) for close-quarters combat. It is generally regarded as the most difficult Sniper in any shooting game to master. Prior to the Xbox Live's discontinuation, he could earn the "Rifleman Star" (earned by 1,000 kills), which makes his Widowmaker reload faster and have a steadier aim, and the "Eagle Eye Medal" (earned by 500 headshots), which makes so his widowmaker charge more powerful.
General information
Physical appearance
The SHC Long-ranger has, grey fur, and bronze eyes and like the SHC Grunt he has a stylized flattop hairstyle in the future wars. The most notable detail which actually has the most detailed story is having lost an eye and a shortened tail which has been bandaged. He is missing an ear, and he also has shortened teeth. In the old wars, he wears a uniform like the rest of the SHC classes according to the US army ranks during the World War II era he might been a private. Due to losing an eye he uses a bloodied-up bandage patch to cover it, his backpack has a rabbit foot, a pinup girl, and a helmet attached to it. In the future war, he wears a uniform that has a sniper crosshair on it and one of his arms is exposed. His backpack has a bloodied shovel. His pants near the shoes are rolled up and he has a new eye patch that is cleaner.
The Tedi Long ranger in the old war, has a trenchcoat that has a harness and helmet and both of them have a jungled styled camo. The Tedi long ranger in the old war is unique since he's the only one that has a fur tuff on his chin. He also wears a purple fingerless glove like the Tedi demolisher and has grass on his mouth. His legs are wrapped. In the future war, he only wears leg wrappings, a harness, and a fingerless glove on his right hand. The most noticeable features are his left hand being replaced with a robotic hand which has some interesting details like 10 tally marks. There is also a smiley face that is dead with a hole on the head. A crosshair on his top wrist and his top left head is gone revealing more robotic parts, with his eye being replaced with a robotic scope. His other eye is yellow and his nose is purple.
The SHC Long-ranger has a chill personality and a slow raspy voice. Most of the lines are curious like "Heh I can see his brains!", "Why I never that's what his insides look like!" and "Oooo look at his brains." He taunts the Tediz like "Daddy's waiting for you", "Come on punks... Come on.", "Oooo pretty, real pretty." and "We rearrange his face there". He uses a lot of regional slang like "Like, a Turkey shoe on a duck farm.", "Like shooting shit rats back home," "K- Cowboy better fire soon, they going to find you.", "Death of a cowboy....", "Hey cowboy move it!" and "They don't call me long carabine for nothin." He called the Widowmaker the "Long killing machine." He also gets very scared when gets blinded by a flash grenade "MY SIGHT GONE, IM OUT OF THE JOB!" and is suicidal due to the fact he has only one eye "I can't see, somebody shoot me in the head now!" He calls the R-hog as a "Horse" or a "steed" and calls the vehicle a "Pretty little thing."
An SHC Long Ranger (Old War)
An SHC Long Ranger (Future War)
An SHC Long Ranger (Future War)
A Tediz Long Ranger (Old War)
A Tediz Long Ranger (Future War)
- The class is based on the Sniper from Team Fortress Classic.
- Both of the classes seem to have a bad itch problem since in the class selection screen they will scratch their leg with their own foot or sometimes scratch their groin smells it and gets disgusted by the smell suggesting they haven't washed for a while.
- The Long Ranger and some of the classes are one of many have different class selection idle animations, where the old war Tedi long ranger will just look around with his scope.
- In the game files, he is listed either as "Sharpshooter" or as "Sniper".
- In Castle tedistien the train cart's poster has a Long ranger Tedi and other Tediz which is the only time we ever see him without a helmet.