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An SHC Demolisher from the Future War
“A simple class with simple pleasures. Generally speaking, Demolishers want nothing more out of life than to smash stuff up, which is why they get the Bazooka. Not enough for you? They can also enter a Berserk state which allows for faster movement and an extra ground punch attack, though mercifully it wears off in time..”
From the game manual
“Everybody wants to be a Demolisher, because Demolishers get the big guns. The fellas with bad tempers get tossed in with the Demolishers, and they’re contagious. Demolishers regularly go berserk when they need to vent their spleens.


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Demolishers are the slowest of the six classes in Conker: Live & Reloaded, however, they also have the most health to counterbalance this disadvantage. Demolishers carry a bazooka, giving them devastating firepower at the cost of a slow reload time. They can fire either straight rockets or anti-aircraft missiles. They can enter a berserk state, which shoulders their weapons in exchange for more health, faster movement, and a deadly pound attack. Demolishers carry napalm (fire) and smoke (defeats and blocks sight) grenades and an arc weld for repairing vehicles and terminals. When upgraded, they can fire Guided Missiles, which are controlled from a first-person view, receive a frag grenade, and a powerful, but awkward, "Strayfur" chaingun. In the pre-Xbox Live shutdown he could earn the "Medal of Mass Destruction" (Which makes his guided rockets more faster and gives him an extra way to get in to the tankus.) The tankus is his special vehicle which is very durable and the only tank in multiplayer.

General infomation


The SHC Demolisher is the largest of the group, having bronze eyes, Grey fur, lots of freckles, and a blood splatter near his nose. In both wars, he seems to have a problem fitting into his uniform causing to have his stomach to get exposed. In the old war, he wears a jacket-like uniform due to the fact it has a zipper on it on the shoulder he holds the rank technical Sargent, an M1 helmet, on his backpack on the top it looks like a phone-like object suggesting he used to work as a radioman or he is a radioman or it might be a rolling backpack since due to the fact it looks attached to the backpack which might have various stuff on it which suggests he travels. two interesting details on his helmet, to piece the Demolisher's probable personality and nationality. The first one is theirs a peace symbol on the left side, theirs a smiley face inside the peace sign, Though it might be ironic since the SHC demolisher kills but it may be referencing his calm nature only getting angry if he goes berserk. on the right side theirs a lollipop taped to the helmet that says "I **heart** NYC" which suggests he either got it from NYC during traveling or he is a resident of the city. An interesting note he has one tooth suggesting he either broke it when he was young or during battle. In the future war, he wears the outfit like the rest of the classes it has some details like still carrying the peace symbol, Wearing some type of helmet which causes his floppy little ear to show, and only has one shoulder pad probably got fallen off due to war. For some reason, he has two teeth it is probably either due to advanced technology or that he can grow back his teeth.

The Tedi Demolisher, the Strongest of the group, in the old war He wears a trenchcoat like an outfit which has many straps on it mostly to keep the shirt tight and holds the rank Corporal according to ww2 British ranks, his torso has been filled with holes either as a genetic defect or he got into battle. He wears a summer HGBT field cap and purple fingerless gloves, His fur is darker. In the future wars, he is different from the old war having lighter fur, mostly naked, some of the skin is peeling off revealing the machine parts, red fingerless gloves, An red-eye mostly to enhance his vision, Various harnesses, and the most notable a metal jaw.


The SHC Demolisher's personality sounds the lowest and calmest, saying things slow like "Bazzooka!" and He might have a speech problem since he sometimes misses pronouncing words like shit as "Shiet." or bastard as "Dastards." He also sometimes mixes up words like calling the stray fur a "Medigun." He also seems to be confused all the time like wondering where the Tediz is at "Where are those fuckers?", "what? where was he?" and "nooo, dah I know they here somewhere". Most of the lines at the Tediz are either playful or hostile, like "He's all blown up!", "Look at him go!", "There she goes!", "Tedi meat? Tedi meat!", "Come out to playboys", "You cowards, you fuckers I know you're there." Whenever he goes berzerk, like "Gahz gahhz, I,M INVINCIBLE!", "BE.. be... BEZERK!!!!", "I AM GOING BEZERK!" in a worried matter which suggests despite having a calm status he may have anger problems.

The Tedi Demolisher has the deepest voice in the game, the most notable lines where he calls the Tankus a "Panzer", "Big tank" or a "Wonder weapon" and having simple speech like "Tank mine". He nicks name the Strayfur as "Ol painless".


  • One of the Tedi demolisher renders, carries an AK-47 which he doesn't even carry in-game suggesting he was meant to carry one in-game or it's probably rendering reasons since in the updated Tedi to just carrying the rocket launcher.
  • An easter egg can be triggered if you idle and then press the fire button with the rocket launcher it will shoot downwards and kill you.
  • An notable, Idle animation on the character select screen includes, Rolling the grenades up and down on their sleeves and sometimes eating it just to cough it out.
  • The class is a mixture between the soldier and the heavy from Team Fortress Classic due to having to have a rocket launcher from soldier while the brute strength and minigun of the heavy.


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