MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "gadgets": [
                "id": "MetaCategories",
                "metadata": {
                    "settings": {
                        "actions": [],
                        "categories": [],
                        "category": "",
                        "contentModels": [],
                        "default": "",
                        "namespaces": [],
                        "rights": [
                        "skins": []
                    "module": {
                        "datas": [],
                        "dependencies": [],
                        "messages": [],
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                        "scripts": [
                        "styles": [
                "desc": "Show wiki-related meta categories in addition to content categories"
                "id": "RecentChangesRefresh",
                "metadata": {
                    "settings": {
                        "actions": [],
                        "categories": [],
                        "category": "",
                        "contentModels": [],
                        "default": "",
                        "hidden": "",
                        "namespaces": [],
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                        "skins": []
                    "module": {
                        "datas": [],
                        "dependencies": [],
                        "messages": [],
                        "peers": [],
                        "scripts": [
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                "desc": "Add an option to <a href=\"/wiki/Special:RecentChanges\" title=\"Special:RecentChanges\">Special:RecentChanges</a> to automatically refresh the page"
                "id": "HighlightRedirects",
                "metadata": {
                    "settings": {
                        "actions": [],
                        "categories": [],
                        "category": "",
                        "contentModels": [],
                        "namespaces": [],
                        "rights": [],
                        "skins": []
                    "module": {
                        "datas": [],
                        "dependencies": [],
                        "messages": [],
                        "peers": [],
                        "scripts": [],
                        "styles": [
                "desc": "Highlight redirects: Add a dashed underline to page redirect links"